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  • Writer's pictureRobyn Miller

Twittervision in High-Def

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

See what's new on Twitter!

iphone displaying Morningbird Media's Twitter tweets

Graphic: MorningBird Media, Springfield, MA

Twitter has long been accepted as the go-to social platform for snippets of the info presented in the text. With that said, the visual side of things has been a bit hard to keep up with the optimal sizes were unpredictable, the video content was small and difficult to view. Twitter is reacting to the way users are consuming content and accommodating these trends.

"Watching video content is by far the new wave of digesting new info and keeping viewers engaged and active on apps."

If you've written off video uploads on Twitter, now may be the time to reconsider, as Twitter is making video quality the center of their new improvements. Twitter is making the viewing of a video much more attractive by enabling full-screen viewing. Taking a page out of IG's book, they are creating an immersive viewing experience by expanding the video to all edges of the screen. Twitter also added an Explore tab showing you a video carousel of trending Tweets that can fit your interests. If you've enjoyed using Twitter, but have scrolled past the videos in the past, gone are the days of having to squint to see your favorite news brief. 🥸


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