SnapChats' new AI assistant using GPT technology

Graphic: MorningBird Media, Springfield, MA
Snapchat is using OpenAIs' new GPT software and is customizing it for Snapchat integration. It is called My AI but you can name it whatever you like and even give it a wallpaper of its own. My AI can recommend birthday gift ideas, plan trips for a long weekend, and even provide recipes. However don't get too excited as AI is still in its infancy and will have tons of misinformation, it can be tricked into saying almost anything so it is important that users stay aware of its shortcomings. All information can be used to improve the AI so be sure not to tell it too many secrets if you would like to submit feedback about the AI you can simply hold on to a part of the conversation and you will have that option.
AI is here and it's undeniably going to continue to become adopted by more platforms as it improves. It is important to remember that AI is not replacing people, it is supercharging them! So when it comes to your business now you have a second (mostly) unbiased opinion to bounce off of. You are only limited by your creativity and ability to ask questions.